Compliance Services

CBDDO Information and Communication Security Guide Compliance Consulting Service


CBDDO Information and Communication Security Guide Compliance Consulting Service

The Republic of Turkey Presidency Digital Transformation Office’s Information and Communication Security Guide Compliance Consulting Service is designed to assist organizations operating in Turkey to comply with the Communication Security Guide published by the Digital Transformation Office. This guide is intended to enhance the security of communication networks and systems, strengthen protection against cyber threats, and ensure data privacy.

The consulting service evaluates the current communication and information technology infrastructures of organizations in line with the standards and recommendations of the Communication Security Guide. During this process, the security levels of systems are examined, potential vulnerabilities and risks are identified, and recommendations for improvements against these risks are developed.

Within the scope of the service, organizations are assisted in implementing the technical and administrative security measures prescribed by the guide, as well as updating their security policies and procedures. This includes not only technological solutions but also staff training, incident management, and emergency planning.

Additionally, the consultancy is crucial for ensuring organizations’ full compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. This is of critical importance, especially considering the increasing regulations and legal obligations in the areas of cyber security and data protection.

In conclusion, this consultancy service contributes to enhancing the communication and information security of organizations, thereby helping them to create a safer and more effective digital infrastructure and to conduct their digital transformation processes securely. This not only increases their operational efficiency but also reinforces the overall digital trustworthiness of the institutions.

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